Civil Process
Civil Division
Within this division the primary responsibilities of the deputies are to serve child support papers, subpoenas, civil summonses, magistrate orders, and summary ejectment orders. This division also assists the public with foreclosures and providing service to plaintiffs who require assistance retrieving property or money as directed by the court.
Deputy Sheriffs are public officers entrusted to perform specific duties that contribute to the administration of justice. The purpose of service of civil process is to give notice to a defendant of the commencement of a legal action or a proceeding. Although any private citizen over 18 years of age can serve process if they are not party to the action, Sheriff’s Offices are asked to serve process because of their traditionally good record keeping practices and professional service.
For you civil process queries, please contact our office Monday – Friday between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at (252) 482-8484.